This entry to my blog really does not deal directly what where talking about in class, however it is sports related, and is definitely something that I would like to discuss with my viewers. I actually plan on maintaining this blog after I have completed this course, and branching out to other areas in addition to sports. As you may remember in my “introduction” I made a reference to one of my close friends Wilson Chandler, and I would just like to give a preseason update on his performance this season.
Playing for a historic franchise like the New York Knicks always puts a player on the big screen. Knick fans will scream, boo, and holler until the Knicks become championship contenders. I just like to bring up a recent article from the New York Times, “As the Tempo Increases, So Does Chandler’s Output” written by Peter May.The article talks about the new leadership in New York with the addition of Mike D’Antoni as head coach and how his up-tempo offense has affected players. Chandler of course has been flourishing in this offense, as May states in the article, “Wilson Chandler appears to have been placed on the planet to play in an up-tempo offense” (May, 2008). D’Antoni also gave Chandler praises by referring to him as a star in the making and comparing him to Shawn Marion. That wasn’t what impressed me the most though, the most compelling part of the article was the comments made by defending World Champion Kevin Garnett.
In a 25 second span versus Garnett Chandler blocked his shot, forced him into a traveling violation, and had a three point play against Garnett. When Garnett was asked about the blocked shot sequence he replied with, “I’ll remember that. Don’t think I won’t make a mental note of that. We play them again. I wasn’t happy about it. I should have taken my time” (May, 2008) Chandler finished the game with a team high 9 rebounds and 3 blocked shots. I think that this is a great start for a long season for Chandler. With the addition of Mike D’Antoni hopefully the Knicks can regain their prestigious ways of the past.
1 comment:
I'm glad you shared the update on Wilson Chandler. The article had some very impressive things to say about him and it will be interesting to follow his development under the tutelage of D'Antoni. I was also glad to see that you've decided to continue your Blog after this class:-)
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